Zang Tumb Tumb Posters
Zang Tumb Tumb Posters
Zang Tumb Tumb Posters
Zang Tumb Tumb Posters
Now We Are All Content EP Cover
Now We Are All Content EP Cover
Now We Are All Content EP Cover
Now We Are All Content EP Cover

Editorial design has a rich history of interplay between type and image, and once printed there is no substantive difference between a Baskerville A and an A made out of strips of tape as long as it’s recognized as an A to the reader. Hypertext doesn’t easily allow for this fluid interplay between text and image, relying on strict typologies to aid screen readers and S.E.O. algorithms. In producing my own variable fonts I wanted the typefaces to offer kinetic opportunities for the user.

These fonts can be tweaked and animated in a variety of digital environments as well as output in printed matter.